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"Without music, life would be a mistake." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Huub van der Lubbe

Huub van der Lubbe has been a major player in the Dutch pop scene for more than 30 years now. Although he’s mostly known as the singer, lyricist and composer of De Dijk (The Dike), he’s also a successful solo artist, actor and poet. His songs and poems, mostly in the Dutch language, are famous for the spot-on imagery in which he succeeds in capturing the spirit of Holland and its inhabitants. Being a self-proclaimed ‘anti-kapitalist’, he wrote the aria Voor Geen Geld (I won’t be bribed), the counterpart of the Jewel Song of Genoud’s Faust.

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Various composers
Krossover, opera revisited [LIMITED EDITION]
Tania Kross
Krossover - opera revisited
Tania Kross